Monday, February 25, 2013

Aromatherapy Massage Therapy with Jennifer

It's that time of year again!  You want to start eating better and working out, yet you don't have the energy to make dinner let alone hit the gym. Seasonal depression can make one feel lifeless, causing low energy levels, leaving the body drained, sluggish, tired and unmotivated. Essential oils possess stimulating qualities and one may find much hope in chasing the winter blues away with Aromatherapy applications. Receiving an Aromatherapy Massage helps to lessen irritability and tension, boost energy and offer support with emotional issues. Aromatherapy Massage involves aromatic oils combined with massage touch, thus aiding in relaxing the body.

Massage Therapists at Suede Salon Spa and Body are trained Aromatherapy Professionals. Many essential oils possess "antidepressant" and mood lifting qualities, but we are careful to choose those that best suit your needs. For example, if you are feeling lethargic and fatigued, sedative oils will only exacerbate the problem.  However, if depression. Is causing insomnia, irritability and restlessness, a sedative oil is ideal.

Call today 856-985-0700 to schedule your Aromatherapy Massage and get back go living happy.

Aromatherapy Massage
30 Minute   $55
60 Minute.  $90
90 Minute.  $135

Jennifer Probst
Massage Therapist

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